5 Best Beauty Secrets of Hollywood Icons


A-list celebs have unprecedented access to cutting-edge beauty treatments the rest of the world could only dream of. But what do Hollywood beauties know that we don’t? Actually – not much, sometimes their best-kept secrets are quite simple!

Here’s our roundup of a few of their secrets you can easily try yourself…

1. All Oiled Up

Gwyneth Paltrow

A go-to beauty treatment since ancient times, olive oil has enjoyed popularity as a moisturizer among celebrities like Miranda Kerr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Liv Tyler, and even the late Elizabeth Taylor. No wonder it’s so popular — olive oil contains natural anti-oxidants like vitamins A and E and creates a long-lasting moisture shield. It also makes a great hair conditioner, makeup remover, the base for sugar scrubs and exfoliators, and even shaving balm.

2. Tone it Down

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson has it down pat when it comes to natural skincare and frequently uses common kitchen ingredients like apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in her beauty routine. “If your skin is problematic or if you’re having a lot of breakouts, it’s really healing,” the Avengers: Age of Ultron star told Elle UK. “It’s a little bit stinky, but if you’re not sleeping over at your boyfriend’s, it’s really effective!” Apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball 3-4 times per week as a facial toner. Use lemon juice as a skin brightener daily, but don’t forget the sunscreen — the acid can make skin more sensitive to UV rays.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

Jennifer Aniston

Ever wonder how Jennifer Aniston stays so trim and toned? It’s yoga, according to her trainer Mandy Ingber, who works with Aniston 3-4 times per week. “If you do vinyasa flows, it’s actually one of the best things you can do for your arms because you are doing multiple push-ups,” Ingber told People. Aniston’s commitment doesn’t hurt either — she is so dedicated to her yoga practice that she even does Skype sessions with her instructor while traveling.

4. Plump your Pucker

Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot was one of the most famous sex symbols of the 1960s, thanks in large part to her plump pout. If you’re not blessed with a naturally full pucker, you can still achieve this look by overdrawing your lips — something even Brigitte did from time to time, as shown above. Apply your normal foundation to your entire face, including your lips, to achieve a clean, neutral canvas. Choose a lip liner a shade darker than your lip color and outline your lips just beyond their natural line. Fill in with lip color and add a touch of gloss in the center.

5. Skip the Cocktails

Blake Lively is the poster child for avoiding harmful substances in her diet. “I don’t drink. I’ve never tried a drug,” the Gossip Girl star told Allure in 2012. “It’s just something that I genuinely don’t have a desire for.” Lively has this abstinence to thank in part for her fresh-faced look — alcohol can dehydrate the skin, leave puffy eyes and dark circles, and lead to chronic skin conditions like rosacea. The sugary juices and mixers in even one or two cocktails can lead to a breakout rivaling those of your high school years. For clear skin like Lively’s, opt for a healthier choice like water or tea.