11 Signs That You May Have a Gluten Intolerance

Gluten Intolerance

Are you gluten intolerant? Many people are and don’t even know it. Gluten intolerance, also known as gluten sensitivity, is a relatively common problem. It occurs when the body cannot process gluten properly, a protein that is found in barley, wheat, and rye. This results in the body reacting negatively to it.

There are two main types of gluten intolerance: celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The first type is severe and damages the digestive system, while the second tends to be milder and does not cause damage. Both forms can cause various nasty symptoms, many of which are not related to digestion.

Here are 11 signs of gluten intolerance to be aware of…

Eating Pasta Gives You Cramps

Not only pasta but also bread, crackers, cupcakes, condiments, seasonings, and many other foods. Stomach cramps after eating food containing gluten are the most common sign of gluten intolerance.

That being said, abdominal cramping can occur for many reasons, and it can be difficult to connect the discomfort with what you ate. However, keeping a food journal can help to identify triggers.

Your Stomach Bloats When You Eat

Stomach bloating after eating is another common symptom of gluten intolerance. Like with abdominal cramping, though, the trouble with bloating is that there are so many things that can cause it.

The key to identifying an intolerance of gluten with bloating lies in taking note of the frequency of the symptom and tracking what you eat. If the problem persists, then consult your doctor.

Your Legs and Arms Tingle

Experiencing tingling in your extremities? It could be due to neuropathy related to gluten consumption, which can cause prickly sensations in the arms and legs. It can also cause pain and numbness.

Neuropathy is common in people with diabetes and vitamin B12 deficiency but can occur with gluten intolerance. The presence of certain antibodies in the body may cause this symptom.

You’ve Got Skin Problems

Skin issues can be a sign of gluten intolerance in some cases. As a matter of fact, a lot of women and men who are sensitive to gluten report experiencing ongoing problems with their skin.

Intolerances of gluten may cause extreme skin dryness and flakiness. There may also be recurring acne, rashes, or patches of eczema that are itchy and uncomfortable.

You Get Headaches

A lot of people get headaches or migraines from time to time, but if you’re experiencing them on a regular basis and don’t know why then you should probably see a medical professional.

Gluten intolerance is a possible cause of headaches and migraines. Studies showed that individuals who cannot tolerate gluten might be more susceptible to migraines than people who can.

You Lost Weight and Didn’t Even Try

Take note if you’ve lost weight without trying. Unintentional weight loss is a classic symptom of celiac disease. It occurs when intestinal damage and the body isn’t absorbing the foods you eat.

With non-celiac gluten sensitivity, there is no damage to the intestines, but gluten intolerance can still lead to weight loss as sufferers often eat less to avoid discomfort.

You’re Struggling to Concentrate

In many individuals, gluten sensitivity and intolerance manifests as an exclusively neurological disorder, causing symptoms related to dysfunction of the brain, nerves, spinal cord, and muscles.

Difficulty concentrating or focusing is a well-known neurological ailment that can affect gluten-intolerant people. It commonly accompanies other cognitive symptoms.

You Forget Things

People with gluten intolerance who experience neurological symptoms have a tendency to be forgetful. It is one of the most commonly reported symptoms, in fact, affecting up to 40 percent of sufferers.

The forgetfulness brought on by gluten often occurs with feelings of being mentally fatigued and unable to think clearly. This cloudiness of the mind may be described as brain fog.

You Feel Depressed

Changes in mood are not uncommon with gluten sensitivities, so if you’ve been feeling down a lot lately, particularly after eating foods containing gluten, you could be gluten intolerant.

In a study conducted in 2014, researchers found that in subjects who were intolerant to gluten, there was an increase in feelings of depression after only three days of gluten consumption.

You’re Not Going Normally

The occasional bout of diarrhea or constipation normally isn’t cause for concern. If it’s happening regularly, though, then you should get it checked out. These also happen to be signs of gluten intolerance.

Toilet troubles can occur with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. However, people with celiac disease are more likely to have pale, foul-smelling feces resulting from poor nutrient absorption.

You Are Constantly Tired

In most cases, fatigue isn’t related to any disease. However, there may be an underlying cause if you always feel tired. Gluten intolerants are very prone to fatigue, especially after eating gluten-rich foods.

Up to 80 percent of gluten-sensitive individuals commonly experience tiredness. Moreover, iron-deficiency anemia can result from gluten intolerance, making fatigue more frequent and intense.