13 Effective Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

If you’re prone to seasonal allergies, then you know just how miserable they can make you. Sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, ear congestion, a scratchy throat, watery and itchy eyes… These are just some of the unpleasant symptoms that allergy sufferers tend to experience.

Seasonal allergies are commonly triggered by pollen from trees, grass, plants, weeds, etc. They affect millions of people around the world and can make life rather uncomfortable. Fortunately, many natural remedies can provide significant relief.

Here are 13 simple remedies to tame your allergy symptoms…

Apple Cider Vinegar

From cleaning showers and sinks to treating dandruff and removing the odors from clothing, apple cider vinegar has many different uses beyond flavor enhancement. It can even relieve allergy symptoms.

For an allergy remedy that cleanses the lymphatic system and reduces mucus production, simply swallows a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Alternatively, add a spoon to a hot cup of water.


Honey has been used as both a food and a medicine for hundreds if not thousands of years by humans due to its beneficial plant compounds, but it can relieve allergy symptoms for a different reason.

Bees create honey from local flora. Therefore, local honey will often contain trace quantities of pollen that may trigger your allergy symptoms, and consuming it can have an immunizing effect.

Bee Pollen

Local bee pollen, like honey, contains traces of the substances that could be causing your allergies. Thus, consuming it can reduce symptoms by making your immune system less sensitive.

There are many tasty ways to enjoy bee pollen. You can add it to smoothies and juices, toss it in salads, sprinkle it over fruits, etc. Increase intake gradually, starting with a granule or two each day.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle leaf is useful for relieving the symptoms of seasonal allergies because it inhibits the production of histamine in the body. This is an immune response chemical that causes allergy symptoms.

To benefit from nettle leaf for pesky allergies, it is best to make an herbal tea using the whole leaf. Simply steep the leaf for a few minutes with some peppermint leaves and add honey.

Neti Pot Irrigation

When pollen and dirt become trapped within nasal passageways, the body will continuously try to expel the substances through the nose (running, sneezing), eyes (watering), and throat (coughing).

Using a neti pot (a container designed for nasal irrigation) and saline (a mixture of salt and water), you can clear the nasal passages of mucus and dirt, relieving disturbing allergy symptoms.

Saline Nasal Sprays

If the thought of pouring salty liquid through your nasal passages doesn’t appeal to you, you may want to consider using a saline nasal spray. These are less invasive and produce similar results.

Natural saline sprays can be purchased online and from pharmacies, or you can make your own at home. To open your airways, spray 2-4 times in each nostril as you breathe in. Do this twice daily.


Acupuncture is used to treat various health problems, including muscle weakness, pain, digestive issues, depression, and more. It may also relieve allergy symptoms.

Medical researchers say acupuncture can alleviate symptoms such as sneezing, nasal/eye itching, and a runny nose. It suppresses the production of antibodies called immunoglobulin E.


Imbalances in the immune system cause allergic reactions to irritants like pollen, grass, and dust to be more severe in many people, but probiotics can help to counteract this effect.

By introducing healthy bacteria into the digestive tract, probiotics like yogurt, kombucha, and kimchi stabilize the immune system, making allergy symptoms less intense.

Diet Changes

The foods we eat directly impact our health, including how our bodies handle seasonal allergies. In general, the healthier you are, the better your allergy response.

Reduce the frequency and intensity of allergy symptoms by avoiding junk food and processed foods and eating a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, and lean proteins.


Drinking water is important for life and good health. It supports all the body’s systems. Yet, most of us don’t drink nearly as much water as we should, and dehydration has a long list of side effects.

Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, breakouts, bloating, etc. It can also intensify the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Experts recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily.


Exercise, especially when you’ve got seasonal allergies. That’s the latest advice from Thai researchers, who found that just 30 minutes of moderate to intense activity can significantly relieve allergy symptoms.

Reportedly, this benefit occurs because exercise naturally reduces inflammation in the nasal passages. Consider exercising indoors to avoid allergens, though, particularly if pollen counts are high.


Immunotherapy for allergies is a method of introducing small amounts of particular allergens into one’s body to train the immune system not to overreact/react when exposed to them.

Allergen immunotherapy is administered as allergy shots. It is a long-term treatment that can take a few years to complete. However, most patients no longer experience allergy symptoms after treatment.

IV Drip Vitamin Therapy

Getting the nutrients your body needs through diet changes, probiotics, and other methods usually won’t relieve allergy symptoms immediately. These remedies can take a while to take effect.

With IV drip therapy, on the other hand, key vitamins and nutrients that you might be lacking are fed into the body when and where you need them, working to alleviate allergy symptoms much more quickly.