9 Reasons Your Body Bruises So Easily


We all get them. Bruises that is. More than likely, you’ve had at least a few of them in your lifetime, whether you tripped on the sidewalk while walking or hit your shin on a coffee table.

Bruising occurs when injury to the body causes blood from damaged blood cells under the skin to collect near its surface, leaving a black, blue, or purple discoloration. This is normal. But when bruises result from slight bumps or appear for seemingly no reason at all, there may be an underlying cause.

Here are nine things that could be causing your unexplained bruises…

A Bleeding Disorder

You could have hemophilia. This is a rare genetic blood disorder that can cause easy bruising because blood clots abnormally in the body due to a lack of blood-clotting proteins.

Von Willebrand disease is another inherited disorder that can cause easy bruising. It occurs when a person has a missing or defective clotting protein known as the von Willebrand factor.

Blood-Thinning Drugs

Are you taking a blood-thinning medication such as heparin or warfarin to prevent blood clotting or treat a heart condition? This could be the cause behind your unexplained bruising.

Medications commonly taken to treat other health problems and conditions can also have blood-thinning effects. These include everyday drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are commonly prescribed in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders, are another type of drug that can cause easy bruising.

Well-known SSRI medications that can interact with platelets (tiny blood cells that help the body to form blood clots) include citalopram, fluoxetine, bupropion, and sertraline.

Your Gender

It may not be fair, but females generally bruise more easily than males. Women have thinner skin. We also have less collagen, which secures and protects blood vessels in the skin.

Another reason women are more prone to bruising is that they have higher levels of estrogen. According to experts, it dilates blood vessels and prevents blood clotting.

Your Age

As a person ages, the skin naturally becomes thinner, and our blood vessels deteriorate. It’s inevitable. This makes bruising on the body easier and a lot more likely.

During the thinning process, you lose collagen and fat time that is used to protect your blood vessels. The vessels become less elastic and more susceptible to breaking.

Vitamin Deficiency

Deficiencies of certain vitamins can be the underlying cause of bruises on the body. These deficiencies usually result from a lack of food or a poor diet low in nutrients.

In most cases, a deficiency of vitamin C or iron is behind the easy or unexplained bruising. Vitamin K deficiency has also been associated with increased bleeding symptoms and bruises.

Dietary Supplements

Not all supplements are right for you, and some may contribute to unexplained bruising. These include ginger, feverfew, ginseng, ginkgo, and omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil).

Before taking any type of dietary supplement, always check with your doctor first, as taking them with certain medications and health conditions can be dangerous.


Long-term use of corticosteroids, which are used to treat asthma, COPD, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, can cause thinning of the cells lining vessels under the skin and lead to bruising. 

Bruising is a common side effect of corticosteroids, especially at higher doses. People taking them often notice that they bruise very easily with even small traumas and impacts.

Sun Damage

The body requires regular sun exposure to produce vitamin D, but excessive exposure to the sun can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and resilience, making bruising easier.

Additionally, prolonged sun exposure can weaken the walls of blood vessels over time, contributing to a type of bruising called solar purpura that affects older adults.